Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ending this blog...

Now that sweet Kimber is here, I will no longer be blogging on this one. Everything will now be on my main blog: Musings of Motherhood.

I hope you will follow my motherhood adventures of having 3 children! I honestly never thought I'd have 3 beautiful kiddos!

And to end Kimber's pregnancy blog on a good note, her birth experience was ten times better than my other two. My c-section operation was actually enjoyable, if I can say that about a surgery. I had a great team in the room, a fabulous OB, a fantastic nurse as her right hand woman, a great labor/delivery nurse, and one hilarious anesthesiologist! We listened to one of my favorite radio stations and while getting my spinal, Prince's "When the Doves Cry" was on! LOL!

My recovery has been super fast, even with have my tubes tied. It has been the perfect ending to such a rough pregnancy. And last week, at my one week check up, I was only 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! ;) I can't complain! People have commented that I should be resting more, that I just had major abdominal surgery, yada yada yada. Well, yes, that's true. However, I've felt great, except for some lingering pain from my tubes being cut.

Kimber is absolutely a perfect baby. She eats great and she sleeps incredibly (3-5 hour intervals at night). She loves to be cuddled, which is perfect for this family! Josh and Joey have definitely taken to her and they love to kiss her head and hold her and feed her. If I can only get them to change her diaper! ;) Our dogs, well mainly Gus, our German Shorthair, adore her. Gus is pretty much always near her. So I will end this blog with one of my most favorite pictures of her and Gus! Please follow our adventures on my main blog!



  1. What a great photo to end this blog!!! I love it!

  2. oh, she is gorgeous. Even in the picture when they were weighing her before her first bath, it almost looked like a posed picture that could fit in with the photo shoot ones:) Congratulations! Little girls are wonderful additions to any family! I'm so glad to hear that you recovered so nicely, people always said the same thing to me after my more, what are you doing. I get such a rush from my little cuties that it makes me feel so much better. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, see you soon!
